Body Representation Network
Welcome to the Body Representation (BRNet) website!
Whatever object we might encounter in our life, our encounter with our own body is never the same.
We have a privileged access to our own bodily sensations that we cannot have for any other bodies or objects. Not merely sensations and motor outcomes, but also emotions are depicted in a coherent cognitive representation of our body through a network of specialized brain areas.
It might not be surprising therefore, that few issues in experimental psychology have encountered such interest as how the brain represents our body.
However, no comprehensive view has developed on how the brain represents the body, and there has always been a scarce dialogue between different approaches in the study of body representation.The future of research in body representation should integrate lab-based research, clinical approaches and the development of new technologies, such as virtual reality embodiment.
BRNet is an international network of researchers who investigate the psychology and neuroscience of body representation. We organise triannual online seminars, annual workshops and conferences, and are currently expanding the range and frequency of our activities. You can find information about who is on our current committee here.
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To get in touch please email us at: bodyrepnet(at)gmail.com