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The Sensing Body


Interoceptive and Exteroceptive Influences on Body Representation

BRNet 6 was in Verona from 12-13th September, 2024.


Body understanding arises as a rich tapestry of diverse stimuli, both internal and external. Embarking on a new chapter, the 6th edition of BRNet aspired to stoke the flames of debate on the intricate influences of different exteroceptive and interoceptive signals on body representations. Join us as we delve into this challenging field, packed with mysteries to unravel!


We welcomed submissions on the topic ranging from birth to aging, in healthy and pathological conditions, including behavioral, neurophysiological, neuroimaging, technological and philosophical points of view. 


The program of BRNet6 comprised three keynote lectures (from keynote speakers Aikaterini Fotopoulou, Konstantina Kilteni and Salvatore Maria Aglioti), and an afternoon dedicated to Early Career Researchers, with a focus on the new assessment criteria for research outputs. We will also had two sessions with short talks and poster presentations.


Final Program


Book of Abstracts



We enjoyed seeing you in romantic Verona!


Maddalena Beccherle, Gerardo Salvato & Michele Scandola







© 2017 Body Representation Network

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